AAhhh, finally.... we have a contract on the business. That was the trigger to set us free. After a few false starts and tyre-kickers, hundreds of $$ in advertising and the never-ending questions from customers we had our final night in the restaurant on the 26th Dec 2012. Hey, it was a Christmas present I suppose.
Tears? I hear you asks. No way! The business was great, made friends, money and found that we had put down roots in the community but Carlie had made 4512 serves of salt and pepper calamari and I had smiled a few too many smiles that came from the wallet rather than the heart.
So jump online and get those remaining overseas purchases happening so they get here in time and now we start to think about things like dates. But the list of 'to-do's' is long enough to justify using some till roll. We have the house now to sell, not such a big deal as it is a good time for doing so but all those maintainence jobs have now jumped from the back-burner and into purchases from the hardware store.
It's all on now and the timer has been set, the 14th of Jan 2013! Now, where's that hammer.....?